Rhys Ernst

Carol Rose
Beiträge: 157
Registriert: 11 Sep 2019, 09:27
Wohnort: Münster

Rhys Ernst

Beitrag von Carol Rose » 05 Nov 2020, 17:34

mein Kommentar unter dem Video:
trans "people" normally don't hired in hollywood - no - even don't hired in normal jobs, they are - and that is the truth, "special" people to other, other who called yourself "normal" - thats a problem that is to solve for the future - trans - the word itself is wrong - understood as "not normal" so i don't use this word "trans", i love "kind of variation of sex", and yes - you borned this way, you ar not "trans" later, you are be borned with a "variation of sex"

Film von Rhys Ernst: "Adam, doch nicht trans, sorry"

and at last:
where are shemales? Shemales not only a "erotic-product"


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